12 January 2010

A Little Friendly Competetion

Over the last few days there has been a battle waged amonst the bloggers of fire and EMS, and it's been quite funny to watch it unfold.

It's no too often we find ourselves in a competition that we can actually laugh at though. Most of the competition I see is departmental and agency squabbleing with the associated back stabbing and politicing. But boy 'o' boy are the bloggers a ruthless lot when it comes to blog of the year.

I have learned so much recently from each and every one of these individuals who take the time to share their hearts and thoughts about their respective lives. The content is so real, you can't help but feel the report' developing as you anticipate the next article or discussion about a topic. Then there are the times where the debate kicks in and a few friendly barbs are exchanged; that's the fun!!

Regardless of who wins the Fire/EMS blog of the year (Medic999 will, lol), it's duely won. The ones who made it to the finals are just as much winners because of their dedication. I and many others are dedicated to reading them all just as much as they are dedicated to writing. And it is TIME consuming on both ends.

I know my ramblings will never make it to that level, but I've formed a very valueable network with some people who are making things happen in their part of the world.

So BLOG ON!! my friends and let's keep the profession moving forward...and have a little fun along the way.

Congratulations Mark, a little prematurely at this point, on a sucessful first year and we're looking forward to many more.

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